ATCMS Seminar

时间: 2009年11月1日 (星期日) 11:30am─5:00pm
      (11:00am开始注册; 11:30am准时开讲)
地点: 法拉盛喜来登大酒店一楼 (Garnet Room)
      135-20 39th Avenue, Flushing, NY 11354
1. 孙氏腹针疗法    
2. 如何按照Medicare和保险公司的要求写病历
学分: 5个NCCAOM继续教育学分
收费: 1. 美国中医药针灸学会会员: $50;
      2. 学生: $50;
      3. 其他人士: $80
联系电话: (212) 689-1773 (郑医师); (718) 897-8952 (郑医师)

ATCMS Seminar:
Date & Time: November 1, 2009, Sunday, 11:30am--5:00pm
                    (11:00am--11:30am: Registration)
Location: Sheraton LaGuardia East Hotel, 1st Floor (Garnet Room)
             135-20 39th Avenue, Flushing, NY 11354
Topics and Speakers:
1. The Sun’s Abdominal Acupuncture Therapy
---- by Ai-Zhong Li, Ph.D., L.Ac.
2. How to Write Your Medical Chart According to the Requirement of
Medicare and Insurance Company
---- by Jun Xu, M.D., L.Ac.; Vice-President of ATCMS.
3. To Assist the Survivors of the Typhon Morack in Taiwan to Re-
construct their homeland
---- by  Roger Tsao, Ph.D., L.Ac., the Advising Committee Member of

PDA Credit: NCCAOM 5 Credit Points
Fees: 1. ATCMS active members: $50; 2. Students with ID: $50; 3.Others:
The net-income will be donated to Taiwan to assist Typhoon survivors
Contact: Drs Zhengs (212) 689-1773, (718) 897-8952