美国中医药针灸学会2014年冬季学术讲座通知 时间: 2014年11月16日 (星期日) 11:00am─4:30pm (10:00am开始注册) 地点: 纽约法拉盛喜来登大酒店,二楼 (Phoenix Ball Room) Sheraton LaGuardia East Hotel 135-20 39th Ave., Flushing, NY 11354 题目: (1) 针灸及中药的安全应用;(2) 消化系统疾病的治疗经验 本次讲座的内容是根据NCCAOM换证所需要的行医安全/医学伦理道德 (Safety/Ethics)教育课程而专门设置,本会每3-4年只举办一次这类 讲座,提醒会员及业界同道勿失良机 主讲人: 田海河博士 用语: 中文演讲,英文同声译 (20套耳机,先到先得,预订从速:atcmsny@gmail.com) 学分: 共5个NCCAOM继续教育学分,其中包括行医安全/医学伦理道德教育 (Safety/Ethics) 4个学分 收费: 本会会员及在校学生:$50;其他人士:$80 联系: (917)605-5819 (廖医师) ATCMS Seminar on November 16, 2014 Time: Sunday, November 16, 2014, 11:00am – 4:30pm (Registration: 10:00am – 11:00am) Place: Sheraton LaGuardia East Hotel, 2nd Floor, Phoenix Ball Room 135-20 39th Ave., Flushing, NY 11354 Title: (1) Safety of Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine (2) Clinical Experiences in the Treatment of Digestive Diseases Speaker: Dr. Haihe Tian Language: Presentation in Chinese with English real-time translation, 20 headsets, first-come, first-served basis. For reservation: atcmsny@gmail.com Credits:5 NCCAOM CEUs including 4 Safety/Ethics CEUs Fees: $50 for ATCMS members and students, $80 for others Contact: (917) 605-5819 (Dr. Liao) |